Aruba's Health & Wellness Guide



Multidisciplinary healthy lifestyle intervention for children (4-18)



JUMP18 is a team of five young Aruban healthcare professionals and a pediatrician that developed a hands-on initiative to empower children and their parents to improve their health and wellbeing. The philosophy of JUMP18 is to motivate and enable Aruban children and their parents to live sustainable and healthy lifestyles needed to prevent the harmful effects of childhood obesity.

JUMP18 is a 6-month multifaceted lifestyle intervention which focuses on four domains, being education, nutrition, physical activity and research. The goal of this project entitled “JUMP18: Aruba Childhood Obesity Prevention Program” is to provide a long- term targeted intervention to combat the growing “overweight and obesity” pandemic in children 4-18 years in Aruba.

Our mission is to ensure a healthy lifestyle in Aruban children and reduce the burden associated with childhood obesity. Our vision is to eradicate the incidence of childhood obesity and improve the overall well-being of children in Aruba.

The JUMP18 program consists of a multidisciplinary team including a pediatrician, case managers (social workers), dietitians, sport coaches and a pediatric physiotherapist.

These team members provide the following during a 6-month period:

  1. Monthly consultations with a pediatrician, dietician, and case manager
  2. Biweekly buddy support
  3. Personalized meal plan
  4. Group workout sessions 3x per week
  5. Biweekly group workshops

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